by Brian Hare, CPA, CGMA | Nov 6, 2017 | Business
Any business owner developing a succession plan should rightfully assume that regular business valuations are a must. When envisioning the valuation process, you’re likely to focus on its end result: a reasonable, defensible value estimate of your business as of a...
by Brian Hare, CPA, CGMA | Oct 23, 2017 | Business
Are you the founder of your company? If so, congratulations — you’ve created something truly amazing! And it’s more than understandable that you’d want to protect your legacy: the company you created. But, as time goes on, it becomes increasingly important that you...
by Brian Hare, CPA, CGMA | May 29, 2017 | Business
Picking someone to lead your company after you step down is probably among the hardest aspects of retiring (or otherwise moving on). Sure, there are some business owners who have a ready-made successor waiting in the wings at a moment’s notice. But many have a few...
by Brian Hare, CPA, CGMA | Apr 30, 2017 | Business
Most business owners spend a lifetime building their business. And when it comes to their succession plan, they face the difficult decision of whether to sell, dissolve or transfer the business to family members (or a non-family successor). Many complicated issues are...
by Brian Hare, CPA, CGMA | Apr 24, 2017 | Business
In business, and in life, among the most important ways to manage risk is through insurance. For certain types of companies — particularly start-ups and small businesses — one major threat is the sudden loss of an owner or hard-to-replace employee. To safeguard...