New Safety Grant Program to Assist Small Businesses

by | Jul 28, 2020

The state of Michigan announced a new Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program on July 23 , which will provide small businesses with matching funds of up to $10,000 to decrease the risk of COVID-19 spread, through safety and health-related equipment purchases and training in response to COVID-19.

The initial grant application window will be open from Monday, July 27 through Friday, Aug. 7, 2020, with awards given shortly thereafter. Grant applications received after Aug. 7, 2020, will be held pending a potential second phase, if funds remain available.

Small businesses interested in applying must have fewer than 250 employees, provide a copy of their COVID-19 safety plan, and a description of how funds will help improve workplace safety for employees, customers, and their communities.

Examples of how grant funding may be utilized include:

  • Purchasing engineering controls and other supplies or materials such as sneeze guards, physical barriers, face coverings, and hand washing/hygiene stations.
  • Purchasing Personal Protective Equipment, including gowns, gloves and eye protection.
  • Training to educate employees about the spread and dangers of COVID-19.

Your application will be returned to you if any of the following are not included:

  • All required answers and requested information listed in the application.
  • A signed justification for the project.
  • Vendor quotes for equipment to be purchased; quotes must list specific type of equipment, individual costs and quantities.

For more information on the instructions and to find out if you would be eligible, check out the application form here. Grant awards are limited to one per company.

If you are a small business considering applying to the Safety Grant Program, contact us and we’ll help determine how to proceed in your situation.

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