Hackers are Targeting CPA Firms

by | Mar 19, 2018

Have you seen news reports that hackers are now targeting CPA firms? Not to worry! Hare CPAs provides several layers of security to ensure that your tax data is safe:

• Our wi-fi network is password protected and is an independent network. (Your data cannot be accessed through our wi-fi).
• We have access controls on all computers + all mobile devices are encrypted.
• We run industry leading solutions for virus protection, malware protection and anti-spam and malware protection.
• Our software requires multifactor log-in authentication.
• We retain a 3rd party IT company that built and maintains our secure environment.
• We have a culture of security and privacy. All staff is required to have annual security & privacy training and we discuss protecting your data frequently.

Our Client Portal also allows you to require login by password and other factors (text verification, etc.), so please check to make sure you’ve got that set up in our portal. Call our office for help!

There are several scams that involve consumers as well, so beware! Please contact us with any concerns you may have about consumer scams or the security of your information.

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